
About Judy Jernudd

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So far Judy Jernudd has created 20 blog entries.

Sunshine? Not Always as It Appears

Sunshine? Not Always as It Appears Have you noticed, people tend to gravitate to those with vibrant personalities and sunny dispositions? Kate Spade’s recent passing is a reminder that people, or things, are not always as they appear. There was no summer solstice sunshine in Kansas City. In fact, it was

What Can Mark Zuckerberg & Leaders Learn from the Royal Wedding?

What Can Mark Zuckerberg & Leaders Learn from the Royal Wedding? Mark, Mark, what were you trying to project during those congressional hearings? It looked like more of the same posturing with your apology to the European Union for not taking more responsibility to protect Facebook's users information, although it's

International Women’s Day, Everyday

International Women's Day, Everyday Thank you to our mothers who brought us into the world and shaped who we're becoming.  International Women's Day celebrates and acknowledges women everywhere and for many of us whose mothers have passed on, a special gratitude for leading by example. My mother, Ruby, passed in November 2016, but

Are You in the 8% Club?

Are You in the 8% Club?  Are you one of the 40-45% of Americans who starts the New Year with resolutions? January is the optimum month to move forward with new goals, develop positive habits and make significant changes, right? Here's a more revealing question, would you like to be

From a Need to an Entrepreneurial Empire

From a Need to an Entrepreneurial Empire What does Zumba Fitness, shaving and baby products have in common? Inc. Magazine's iCONICLA event in September featured motivational entrepreneurs' stories of success that grew of need, desire and convenience. Michael Dubin took the mundane nuance of leaving home to go out to

The Heat is on for Uber CEO

The Heat is on for Uber CEO Can an abrasive personality become smooth and likable? Yes, though the difference between success and failure is the desire to want to make changes and do the work. Reports of Uber's CEO, Travis Kalanick's brash behavior with Uber employees and drivers has been

How Much is Poor Communication Costing Your Business?

If you think superior communication is a soft skill, think again. According to "The Cost of Poor Communications” report a survey of 400 companies, with 100,000 employees, each stated an average loss per company of $62.4 million each year. Those results focused on internal communication between employees, not clients or customers. LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner is a CEO who gets the value of communication. His philosophy is broken down into three functions:

Judy’s Professional Speaking Advice

Judy Jernudd, Keynote Speaker - Signature Speech: Think Bigger and Bolder Judy's Professional Speaking Advice: PRO-TIP 1:  An audience will forgive a speaker for almost anything except making them feel uncomfortable. Anxiety translates to nervousness and suggests the speaker isn't ready for Prime Time. Preparation will help the tension...yours and

Avoid Turkey Table Talk Blunders

Okay, let's face it, not all families enjoy getting together to celebrate the holidays. If you are fortunate to be invited to a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends, relax. Try these "Top Talking Tips" to avoid quitting the family gatherings "cold turkey. "

Is Fall the New “New Year?”

Yes, the fourth quarter is waiting in the wings to take flight. Ah, but not so fast. What if the fall season, official last week, marks a new beginning? A new you with a new look and a new mindset?