Managing a crisis and protecting your reputation takes planning. Don’t wait until a crisis situation happens. You need to prepare, plan and practice with real-life situational exercises now!
Startegic will help you and your team learn how to:
Develop your Crisis Plan in advance
Stage your news conference for positioning
Prepare your Spokesperson, CEO and Experts to talk with the media
Deliver timely updates
Avoid damaging language
Make plan tactics
Practice the critical steps and mistakes to avoid in an ambush
Manage control of your messaging
Convey concern and compassion
Answer tough questions with conviction
Take control of the situation
“It’s not a matter of if a crisis will happen,
it is a matter of when.”
One of Startegic’s corporate clients made this statement during a crisis communication media training workshop. His endorsement of preparation applies to everyone who unrealistically thinks a crisis “happens to other companies, not to us.”
The question to ask: Is your company prepared to tell the story with facts, conviction, confidence and competence in the event of a critical crisis? If you’re like the majority of companies, the answer is, “No!”
Scrambling to talk to the media in the heat of a tragic situation will not produce positive results for you or your company. Nor, will it help you to win in the court of public opinion. In the middle of a crisis, people often appear anxious or even guilty, due to the lack of preparation, anxiety or factual information. They are frozen with fright in the glare of television cameras, microphones and a pack of reporters thrusting tough questions at them.
The tendency for most people is to misspeak, stonewall the reporters and duck out of the situation as quickly as possible. These are mistakes guaranteed to make the situation worse.
“Tell your side of the story before someone tells it for you.
Make no mistake, the story won’t go away.”-Judy Jernudd, Startegic
The Startegic Crisis Media Coaching is designed to provide your organization with a crisis communication plan internally with employees and staff and externally with messages to the media, the public, your customers, clients, shareholders, and vendors. You will learn how to avoid damaging and costly mistakes. Your preparation includes developing specific strategies and a timeline to follow in a crisis situation.
While no one could prepare for the tragedy the magnitude of 9/11, four clients from a large corporation had received Startegic Crisis Communication Coacing in advance. They found themselves on national news and brought calm and clarity to a nation crying for both.
Startegic Media Coaching has helped clients communicate effectively with the media, the public and their employees in crisis situations which include: