Would you like to create sought after status in your field? Do you want to stand out from the competition, or become the go-to-expert for new business development and media positioning?
In the age of personality and social media, talent and skills alone are not all it takes to create your brand reputation. People who differentiate themselves are engaging, approachable, influential and visible. They create and project their personal brand image to attract centers of influence.
Brand Image Success: Meet one of Startegic’s 30 something year old financial advisor clients. A rising star who wanted professional help, not with more practice skills. He wanted to attract an affluent clientele and peer recognition for advancement.
Startegic’s personalized, intensive Personal Brand Image Process helped the rising star:
Become more engaging.
Enhance his personal style to project the image of success.
Develop his story, presentation and speaking skills for visibility as an industry expert.
Create a powerful presence when he walked into a room.
Project confidence
“I couldn’t understand how a visual makeover could make such an impact with peers and my business development. You prepared me to expect results, I just didn’t expect them so soon!”
-Corporate Financial Advisor
“Initially I could not see the direct correlation between a visual clean up (image), and my peer’s and clients’ perception of me, but it has demonstrated that my peers truly are paying attention to both of those and having a polished look will bring me steps closer to my business development goals.”
– I.H. Ravitz, Global Wealth Manager